With action on three different continents, our teams were hard at it again over the Easter break providing top class sports coverage:

In chronological order – It was Fed Cup http://www.fedcup.com/en/home.aspx tennis in Brisbane, Australia as Germany’s women beat hosts Australia 1-3 with a tremendous performance. Through the weekend we filmed the post match match interviews for the International Tennis Federation, and produced their online video coverage. A short review of the Tie is here: http://youtu.be/huqJMPNll-k
Next it was another fed Cup tie – as the Czech Republic went up against Italy in Ostrava, and over the 2 days the hosts dominated with a convincing 4-0 victory to advance t the final against the Germans next November in the Czech Republic. The choice of Prague or Ostrava remains to be seen. Short ‘Show Your Colours’ fun edit here http://youtu.be/SXkhjOrudig
And finally our coverage of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race continued http://www.clipperroundtheworld.com/ with the latest stop-over in San Francisco, USA. GREAT Britain won Race 10, after crossing the mighty Pacific Ocean from Qingdao in China the fastest, and had the luxury of 9 days in port before the start of Race 11 on April 19th. First across the start line at the Golden Gate Yacht Club was Derry-Londonderry-Doire who crossed just a few seconds after the gun. It’s a 3300 mile downwind sail to Panama, where the fleet of 12 yachts will stop briefly before entering and going through the Canal, before racing on to Jamaica. Watch the start video here: http://bit.ly/1jzxhZo
Well done all and good luck to those out on the water heading for Panama – sail safe, sail fast!