We’ve covered a huge range of events over the past 16-years for both international TV broadcast and online, from top class international sports, to conferences, promo videos, corporate productions and much more. Just a few examples…
The Professional Windsurfers Association event in japan 2023, providing live daily coverage, daily highlights edits and news delivery.
Earth Cycle – 5 x 25 minute TV series – the series won the prestigious 2020 Travel Media |Awards as Broadcast programme of the Year. Taster highlights reel here:
The IKA Kite-foiling European Championships 2023
The 2021 European Diversity Awards – Highlights reel
ORCi European Championship 2022 – Day 3 highlights
Trailer for our documentary on Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: a one off TV show we produced for international distribution on the 50th anniversary of his incredible solo circumnavigation of the planet.
Isportconnect.com Web3 Summit Highlights
For the Forebusiness Group – a promo for their new exclusive golf series
Swingrip Golf Promo
A live online esports event we were involved in as both a supporter and producer, with 3 x three hour long tournaments taking place in one week, all managed remotely by our – short highlights reel:
This is a hybrid online event we produced using our green screen studio with a presenter against a virtual set, and with remote speakers connecting into the show.
The Bermuda Gold Cup 2020 – promo trailer
Sir Clive Woodward, an intro for a course his company operates:
Our entry for the 2020 SPORTEL awards in Monaco which was one of 3 entries nominated in the Slow Motion category.
Client testimonial video produced for a Point of Sale Software and hardware system:
For the Youth Sport Trust, a video designed to inspire young girls to become more active in sport
Our Maeva Bardy story – crossing the Pacific Ocean…as an On Board reporter, which won the Public Prize at the Waterproof Film Festival in Geneva.
Clipper Race 9 – The Pacific Highlights
The ITTF Team World Cup – London
1080 Media TV are Host Broadcast company – highlights from live coverage:
Clipper Race arrives into Punta del Este, Uruguay after 6400 miles of racing, highlights review
Our live coverage of the England v Greece match – sensational comeback from England…live on the SportBible with 2.2 million unique views.
Shot crossing the Pacific Ocean with the Clipper Race for our Race of Their Lives TV Series, aboard the Visit Seattle yacht by our man Richard – love it!
Shot at the Davis Cup tie between GBR & FRA in London for BNP Paribas Bank
Video shot on board Clipper yacht Garmin deep in the Southern Ocean in Race 3 of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race
The 2015 Davis Cup Final Review for the ITF – video review
A musical race start for Clipper in Rio
A short clip of Maria Sharapova showing her football skills at the recent Fed Cup tennis tie in Krakow for the ITF, between Poland and Russia which has gone viral:
A review of the Poland v Russia Fed Cup tie 8th February 2015 for the International Tennis Federation
The well loved review of the Clipper Round the World Race Homecoming coverage into London – great fun, pulled from our 4 hour live broadcast of the event…
A video shot and edited recently on board the Henri Lloyd yacht before it finished Leg 3 of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race – thanks Brian!
isportconnect.tv – Directors Club – Paris
The first ever live draw of the Davis Cup for the ITF
Coverage from the Fanzone built in Trafalgar Square for the Euroleague Final Four
Review of Davis Cup World group 1st Round – France v Australia for the International Tennis Federation
Will Greenwood – Speakers4Schools, a series produced for this fantastic charity that brings famous people into schools
Davis Cup Final – Belgrade. Preview fun video!
Promo for the Lysekil Match Cup 2014
Highlights from A Summer Like No Other’s Showtime events programme
Review of Czech Republic v Argentina Davis Cup Semi-Finals for ITF
Dinner at the Chateau de Versailles as part of the ITF’s centenary celebrations
As a London 2012 Legacy the accessibility of the South Bank was improved for all to enjoy
Team Korea announced itself as a Challenger for the 34th America’s Cup and AC World Series
One of our daily videos made for Team Korea as they took part in the America’s Cup World Series
Example video of Mark Webber driving the new Infiniti E-merge at Goodwood Festival of Speed
A video produced in conjunction with Pete Webb, one of the world’s leading adventure sports photographers for Vanguard.
The Isportconnect Directors’ Club is a prestigious sports networking event held in London…we’ve covered 3 so far and here is the latest in February.
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A link to promotional teaser we produced for the event in advance for websites to use;