Hybrid & Virtual events save time & money

If you are looking to upgrade your standard ‘Zoom’ type call to something more impressive like this perhaps, we’d love to help…
What’s the difference between Hybrid and Virtual?
– Hybrid is when one or more people are in a venue, with other speakers joining remotely over the internet;
– Virtual is when everyone involved is somewhere in the world and joined together online remotely.
We have used vMix, Zoom, WebEx and Microsoft Teams successfully for these events.
1. Hybrid event – the host presenter was in our ‘socially distanced’ studio set, (photo below) with a green screen backdrop and a customised digital ‘set’, with 6 x remote panelists presenting and discussing. The photo above is the virtual set in action.
Trailer – The iSportconnect.com PwC Lausanne Virtual Summit https://youtu.be/MdqApiQjwhA

This is the small green screen set used for the production shown above, combined with a virtual set we created. All produced in a Covid safe environment. This can also be dry-hired by production companies, or we are happy to run the whole show with you.
2. Internal Corporate events & webinars
Host was in the company offices talking to colleagues around the world, while broadcasting online to every member of staff who wanted to join in and watch,

3. Virtual – If you are considering an esport event for example – we can help there too:
‘Virtual’ because no-one was in the same room, everyone was safe at home!

Short promo highlight of 3 events managed for LDNUTD in December 2020, featuring FIFA21 and NBA2K on Twitch. All managed completely remotely with a host, 3 commentators, 6 guest speakers and 9 VT’s – 3 hours per event – https://youtu.be/W4TXgd7-aJ8
While a host presenter can be anywhere in the world, our economical studio in Hammersmith, London, is designed for this, with a similar set-up in York in the north of England, or we can run the entire production remotely with you.
Contact us if you have some ideas that we may be able to help with, so we can create something ‘magical’.